In the last weeks I’ve been thinking about restarting the blog again. It doesn’t come out of the blue. I look back at my old web page and I miss seeing my thoughts after some of the events I’ve gone through in the latest 4 years. The motivation comes from different sources, reading a colleague’s post on his Ironman experience, getting asked for recommendations about our latest trips (Mexico, Spain, Southeast Asia, Morocco and others) or the overwhelming tasks involving the arrival of our first kid are some of them.
I have some notes from those past moments, like travels and endurance races, and I’ll put them together and share them here. I’m intentionally not changing the design of the page right away. I intend to, but the focus is on the writing part.
Looking ahead, I (together with my family) have great challenges ahead that I think could be interesting for some people.
I hope you bear with me and thanks for stopping by!